[lead_define] [tit] @= [/tit] @= [h1] @= [/h1] @= [title1] @= [/title1] @= [hello1][/hello1] @= Just say hello. [span_fake1] @= lt;span [span_fake2] @= lt;/span& [/lead_define][tit]minicode (variant of BBCode) - easy editing HTML[/tit] [h1]Introduction:[/h1] minicode is a lightweight markup language for [url]https://github.com/endrollex/miniroll[miniroll[/url] easy editing, learn from [url]https://www.phpbb.com/community/faq.php?mode=bbcode[BBCode[/url]. The tags are indicated by square brackets [ ] surrounding a keyword. It is designed for Blog, thus let through unsafe HTML like
Newline here![html]
[/html][h]span][[/h]/html][html] [/html]# HTML retain: [html]
Newline here! [/html] # This expression will retain all HTML tags and javascript. # But one except:
will be losted by second edit because of PHP function nl2br(). # To retain newline tag, use
instead. [html]
  • [h]h4]This is heading 4[/h]y[h]sup]4[/h]
    C[h]sub]hex[/h], ...
    [/html]# For some plain symmetrical HTML tags: [h]h4]This is heading 4[/h]y[h]sup]4[/h] C[h]sub]hex[/h], ... [html]
  • [lead_define]
    [title] @= 
    [/title] @= 
    [hello][/hello] @= Just say hello.
    [/lead_define][title]My Title[/title]
    [/html]# Define hot minicode in a post. # You can define several minicode, but all need to be in one [lead_define]. [title1]My Title[/title1] [hello1][/hello1] [html]
  • [abst][/abst]
    [/html]# Indicate the end of abstract: # miniroll can not generate an abstract automatically. # You need use this tag that make a front part of a journal become an abstract. [html]
  • [/html][h1]Typesetting Guild:[/h1] [html]
    1. [/html][h]span][[/h]html][html]
      [/html][/html]src="http://www.ietf.org/images/isoc_logo.gif" alt="" />[html]
      [/html][h]span][[/h]/html][html]The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. ...
      [/html]# Image float left: [html] [/html]The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. [html]
    2. [/html][h]span][[/h]html]
      [/html][h]span][[/h]html][/html]href="http://tools.ietf.org/tools/rfcmarkup/">Rfcmarkup Tool
      [/html]# Div float left with Link: [html]
      [/html][img]ietflogo3h]http://www.endrollex.com/upload/img/icon/manual/ietflogo3h.png[/img] [html]Rfcmarkup Tool
      [/html]The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. [html]
    [/html][h1]Note:[/h1] [html]
    1. [/html]If the sentences are too complex, check them by [url]http://validator.w3.org/[W3C Markup Validator[/url]. [html]
    2. [/html]Block elements or margin may cause line spacing too large, delete a newline according to the situation. [html]
    [/html][h1]Mechanism:[/h1] Mechanism of minicode is base on "Search and Replace", the process is reversible and very simply. It abbreviated commonly-used HTML tags to short keywords, the article can mix HTML. The implemented HTML may contain a little comment markup , intend for reversion. Some keywords of minicode depends CSS, the [url]https://github.com/endrollex/miniroll/blob/master/htmindex.css[default CSS[/url] provided to show the predefined style. For this page process: [url]http://endrollex.com/font/minicode_manual_m.txt[minicode[/url] -> [url]http://endrollex.com/font/minicode_manual.txt[HTML article[/url] -> this page (Encapsulated)